
Representations of data and parameters used throughout the system.

Here are some of the basic relationships between the basic types mapped to show how they relate in order to derive a patient’s audiogram

digraph {

//   modules
  subgraph modules{
      patient [ style="filled" shape=folder]
      psychophys [ style="filled" shape=folder]
      sound [ style="filled" shape=folder]
      video [ style="filled" shape=folder]
      {rank=max; patient psychophys sound video}
  //   individual types
  Patient [ style="bold" shape=box3d]
  Biography [ style="bold" shape=box3d]
  Sample [ style="bold" shape=box3d]
  Samples [ style="bold" shape=box3d]
  Threshold [ style="bold" shape=box3d]
  Audiogram [ style="bold" shape=box3d]
  Sound [ style="bold" shape=box3d]
  Pupil_Params [ style="bold" shape=box3d]
  Dilation [ style="bold" shape=box3d]
  Pupil [ style="bold" shape=box3d]

  //   group into modules
  Patient -> patient
  Biography -> patient
  Sample -> psychophys
  Samples -> psychophys
  Threshold -> psychophys
  Audiogram -> psychophys
  Sound -> sound
  Pupil_Params -> video
  Dilation -> video
  Pupil -> video

//   add attrs
  name -> Biography
  dob -> Biography
  freq_thresh [label="frequency"]
  freq_sound [label="frequency"]
  freq_thresh -> Threshold
  threshold -> Threshold
  confidence -> Threshold
  freq_sound -> Sound
  amplitude -> Sound
  duration -> Sound
  pupil_thresh [label="threshold"]
  max_diam_thresh [label="max_diameter"]
  pupil_thresh -> Pupil_Params
  max_diam_thresh -> Pupil_Params
  diameters -> Dilation
  max_diam_dil [label="max_diameter"]
  max_diam_dil -> Dilation
  response -> Pupil

//   connect types
  Biography -> Patient
  Samples -> Patient
  Audiogram -> Patient
  Pupil -> Sample
  Sample -> Samples
  Sound -> Sample
  Threshold -> Audiogram
  Sound -> Pupil
  Dilation -> Pupil
  Pupil_Params -> Pupil


Data types to keep inter-module communication consistent