.. _SoftwareOverview:

Software Overview#

Block Diagram#

digraph g {
    fontname="Courier New"
    graph [fontsize=30 splines=true overlap=false rankdir = "TB"];
    ratio = auto;
    subgraph cluster_cpu0{
        cpu0 [label="Messenger\ncpu0" shape="box" width=3]
        gui [label="GUI"]
        io [label="I/O"]
    subgraph cluster_pi0 {
        pi0 [label="Messenger\nraspi0" shape="box" width=3]
        manager [label="Session Manager"]
            psycho [label="Psychoacoustic Model"]
            pupil [label="Pupil Extraction"]
            stim [label="Stimulus Manager"]
        subgraph cluster_pi0_p1{
            picam [label="PiCamera"]
        subgraph cluster_pi0_p2{
            sound [label="Sound Server"]
    subgraph cluster_pi1{
        pi1 [label="Messenger\nraspi1" shape="box" width=3]
        visman [label="Visual Manager"]
        frameserve [label="Frameserver"]
    {rank=same; pi0 pi1 cpu0}
    cpu0 -> pi0 [label="control"]
    pi0 -> cpu0 [label="data"]
    pi0 -> pi1 [label="control"]
    pi1 -> pi0 [label="data"]
    cpu0 -> gui [label="data"]
    gui -> cpu0 [label="control"]
    cpu0 -> io [label="data"]
    pi0 -> manager [label="control"]
    manager -> pi0 [label="data"]
    manager -> sound
    manager -> picam
    psycho -> manager
    psycho -> stim
    stim -> sound
    picam -> pupil
    picam -> manager
    pupil -> psycho
    pupil -> manager
    stim -> manager
    {rank=same; sound picam}
    pi1 -> visman
    visman -> pi1
    visman -> frameserve


Draft Description#

Message-based architecture#

  • The system will consist of separable modules that communicate with a globally-defined enum of message types.

  • The system will consist of independent computers networked with an [ad-hoc or hosted? wireless network].

  • Messages will be serialized and sent as tcp packets between computers, and as inter-and intra-process packets within a computer.

Distribution of Labor#

  • One computer will serve as the clinician-facing interface that controls the operation of the examination

  • One computer will serve as the primary examination device, delivering auditory stimuli, measuring pupil dilation, and controlling the stepping algorithm

  • One computer will serve as the patient-facing interface, presenting visual stimuli (as well as physical enclosure for cameras and speakers)


  • The two computers operating the examination will be tightly synchronized with a shared real-time clock

  • The examination computers will communicate asynchronously with the clinician-facing computer


  • The GUI will be made with Qt6, written in PySide6

  • [control requirements]

  • [display requirements]

  • [utility requirements]

Image Capture#

  • Pupil images will be captured with a PiCam NoIR camera as single-channel luminance images from a YUV-encoded frame

  • Raw images will only be saved if explicitly requested, otherwise they will be shown in the GUI as a diagnostic

Pupil Processing#

  • Pupil diameter will be extracted as the shorter diameter of an ellipse fit on the edges of a tracked pupil to account for eccentricity/occlusion

  • [filtering and signal conditioning]

  • [preservation of provenance]

Psychoacoustic Model#

this’ll be a bit of work, ya!?



talk to avinash about stimuli


  • Sound will be presented with jack audio

  • Sound will be prebuffered in the presenting process, prioritizing continuity over low-latency

Recording & Calibration#




Patient Data#

Maintenance, Logging, Debugging#